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Did you ever visit a zoo and wish you could play with a wild cat or take one
home? Though it is illegal and unwise to keep a tiger or a leopard at home, there is an
approximation of their beauty in miniature: I'm talking about Bengals!
They are a cross of domestic cat and the 10-pound wild Asian leopard
cat (ALC) from the jungles of Southeast Asia.
First-cross (F1) hybrids tend to be a bit shy, much like their wild
ancestors. First and second generations of hybrid Bengal males are
infertile, but their F1 sisters can reproduce. In subsequent generations,
males are fertile, so outcrosses to domestic cats are no longer needed.
SBT (stud book tradition) and Filial Bengals are no less than 4
generations removed from the wild Asian leopard cat.
Bengal cats are happy, active, playful, and extremely intelligent.
While Bengals will happily snooze in your lap or stretch out
on the sofa next to you during nap time, they are very active during the
rest of the day. Because of their heritage, Bengals are not afraid of
water. Leave the shower door open and soon your Bengal will wander in. |